A new exhibition that opens up the future through virtual, online and real. Small companies accelerate orders with DX.
VR EXPO is a website that helps you promote your company at any time, while company visits, exhibitions, and other real business activities are limited under COVID-19. You can take a virtual tour of the factory 24 hours a day, and see the company's technical capabilities, manufacturing quality, and the personalities of the workers through video and still images. You can also check the president's speech to learn more about the company's thoughts. We will continue to communicate the thoughts of manufacturing, technological capabilities, and the need to pass on technology to the world through virtual, online, and real means.
Management Company: MP-Strategy Representative: Mitsuaki Meguro
(Company website https://mp-strategy.com)(Virtual website: https://happypano.work)
Virtual Coordinator:Tomohiko Tsujita, @Mine
Photography:Yuichi Terada, cloud9foto (Company Website: https://cloud9foto.com)
Web:Representative Director Takuya Kitamura, Takuma Shindo, Schola Inc.(Company Website:https://www.schola.co.jp)